Pampanga Call Center

Our main focus is to help your company compete in the modern marketplace by providing global BPO services that can give you the competitive edge.

Edward Lacandola

Vice President of Operations and Shareholder

Edward Lacandola

Vice President of Operations and Shareholder

Total office space in sq. ft.

Our sprawling facility is located in Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga. 

Total operating employees

A variety of staff with different roles and expertise for you to hire. 

Giving You The Best Service

American-owned and operated, Pampanga Call Center is a subsidiary of Clark Staff, the leading outsourcing service provider in the Philippines.

Clark Staff has over 60 years of BPO company experience within its management ranks, helping companies build, manage, and grow their remote teams worldwide.

Proven And Reliable Oversight

Trust in our proven track record of success and experience reliable oversight to help your organization thrive.

Secure And Stable Data Link

We utilize cutting-edge technologies and techniques to safeguard your data against cyber threats.

Fun And Relaxing Amenities

Our facility is purpose-built to be an open workspace that fosters fun, relaxation, and collaboration regardless of rank and position. 


years of BPO experience

Zack Williamson

CEO and Co-Founder

We'll Source The Right Staff For You!

We can source staff anywhere around the globe through our headquarters in the Philippines or our facilities in North America and Europe. 


You can choose one or all of our three services for your business to thrive in today’s business environment. 

Non-Voice Processes

We have various industry-specific non-voice roles to fit both you and your customers' needs.

Voice & Telecommunications

Bolster or even create your customer service department with professionals with years of experience.

Seat Leasing

Need space for a team you've already built? We offer plug and play workstations so your team get hit the ground running.

Working together is easy!

Starting your call center campaign in the Philippines doesn’t have to be expensive. Let’s work together!